Sunday, 1 April 2012

Who is in control of the storm??

I was checking out a Joel Osteen message the other day where he was talking about how God takes control during situations in one's life, and there are a few things I took note of. Firstly, there's a mindset I've always had when it came to Christianity: that our lives should be all good and stress free without any worries, trials and tribulations. Until I realised that having faith doesn't exempt one from troubles. But one thing's for sure: you can always take your troubles before God and allow Him to sort them out.

Generally when there are situations at hand, I try to control as much of them as possible and pray for an outcome that I picture in my mind. You know how your parents used to tell you to clean your room or something, and you'd do it, but they'd get angry at you because you didn't do it the way they pictured you doing it in their minds? Yeah, I tend to hit that.

And it's so easy to get negative when things seem like they aren't turning out because they aren't working according to our timetables.

One thing I learned from that message was that 'sometimes we need to relinquish control and stop forcing results, and allow God to steer the storm to where He wants us to go'. I need to fully understand that God is in control of the storm, and that nothing is happening without His permission.

You know how Jeremiah 29:11 (go on and check it out, you know you want to) puts one of God's many intentions and promises for us? That's the scripture I enjoy latching onto when times get rough. Although there may be a rough patch in my life or in the family at present, I know the desirable outcome that God has intended for me, and I try not to forget that.

So, bottom line: ''Put your trust in the Lord your God, who is with you always. He will never leave you, nor will he forsake you.''

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