Monday, 30 April 2012

There is only one goal

I tend to find the process of setting goals to be quite a drag. When you are young you are told to 'dream big', 'the sky is the limit' and that 'if you aim for the moon and miss, at least you will be among the stars'. That's all good and well, but at this age I feel that having ambitions means that they should be logical, reasonable and practical in order to work towards.

I'm not exactly a risk taker when it comes things, including my faith. I prefer playing things safe and go about my life according to that. This means I'm comfortable, although there's so much more that I want to do.

I'm still deciding if it's better to be happy where you are, or want to achieve more. Apparently there's a fine line between being content and striving for more, and that there's another one between being content and satisfied. Don't think I've found either one yet lol.

This also got me thinking about friends/family concerning their desires and supporting them. If someone shares their dreams with you and they seem a bit farfetched to you, do you support that person or tell them the truth about what they hope to achieve? Aspirations provide that motivation and drive needed to go for what you want, and when they're shot down it's not cool. But then again failing to realise them sorta places you in the same boat as the alternative ending.

All these thoughts stemmed from a t-shirt I was wearing. ''There is only one goal - The next one''.
I realise that I shouldn't get too comfortable with where I am right now, that I should be ''on to the next one''. Whether a dream may seem too ridiculous to fulfill or not is up to me to decide, and shouldn't that to be decided by anyone else.

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