It is amazing the kind of influence a surrounding (or environment) can have on the mind and ultimately the character of a person. A lady living in the slums of a small, Russian city will have a different outlook to one living in the rural areas of Eastern Cape. Yes, these environments have an influence on one but they should not necessarily define them. Our minds do not accept a paradigm that is apparent around us but rather one that is given to it by us. Good can come from anywhere; the thing preventing its emergence is limitation.
I watched this one show called Gurren Lagann (well, that's the shortened name but yeah..). So initially, we are presented with a scene that is dark, grungy and seemingly full of despair. Mankind lives in underground villages, and everyone has accepted that fate. The village leader is quick to remind anybody of the current situation who dares to think otherwise. One character, though (Kamina), seems to be in "revolt" of the living standards. But each suggestion that he makes to others to break through to the surface world is met with trepidation. Everyone, except a young boy named Simon (who is unsure about his ideas initially until they make that first breakthrough). Throughout the show we see them move from a despondent abyss, engaging in many battles, to the shining heavens they have been aiming for (literally into the galaxy). In this small aspect it took Simon a change of the mind to escape his limiting mentality, and the help of Kamina.
Good can come from anywhere, and there are plenty of examples throughout world history. But it required that these individuals change their state of mind. When Philip had recently met an amazing man whose coming was mentioned long ago, he came to his brother who was sitting under a fig tree. Philip proceeded to tell his brother about who he had just met. Nathanael (Philip's brother) asked him if "anything good ever comes out of Nazareth." And there was something good that came out of Nazareth; in fact, something great. His name was Jesus.
And I'm done.