Wednesday 15 January 2014

A series of moderately unexpected, relished and (hopefully) non-duplicitous events

So another vacation has come and (almost about to be) gone, and I must say this one has been quite eventful to say the least. Spending time with close and relatively new family, almost “forgotten” but eventually made the time to see family and friends from back home, particularly those I haven’t seen in years.

The moments that I have with loved ones are ones that I cherish most dearly, which bring about a range of emotions as I reminisce, and I’m excited to see what the rest of the year has in store as well.

I’m thankful to God that I’m going to new heights each year, and truly the latter shall always be better than the former. Can’t be doing the same thing every year. Oh no. Once that level is set, we’re taken it above and beyond.

Let’s do this.

P.S. Is it appropriate to post this on the first day of the academic year for school children? Meh. It’s done now. “Happy back to school” as a friend said.